Keeper of the Wolves by Cheree Alsop

Wolves did not hope. They accepted life as it came and learned to flow with the path of their padding paws. One could not change the past nor predict the future, so to worry or mourn with regret the way things happened was foreign to animals of the wild.

Cheree Alsop. Keeper of the Wolves (Kindle Locations 107-109). Kindle Edition.

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The Keeper of the Wolves is one of the best shifter books I have read.  It is written from the point of view of Victus, a wolf forced to change into a man in the moonlight.  We meet him where he is captive a cruel man who whips him and places him on display as he changes.  Raised by wolves, Victus knows only how to be a wolf.

Koya sees him in his cage and buys him from the Cruel One.  Joven her twin brother is not too happy with her but concedes that she may heal him.  Koya befriends Victus and through the crises surrounding their kingdom, Victus becomes an integral part in Koyas life.  She teaches him to dress and behave as a man and he learns to control the urge to shift, staying in is human form longer and longer.

Victus' pack followed him and keep watch from the forest surrounding the castle.  Together the wolves help Joven fight common enemies and save the kingdom.

Through the story, Victus and Koya fall in love and they learn what sacrifice and selflessness mean.  The emotions are raw and real and captivate the reader from the start and one becomes wrapped up in their story, feeling the sadness and pain that the characters feel.

I strongly recommend this to any shifter and fantasy reader.  I will remember this story for a long time to come.  To boot it is a clean book that is suitable for YA readers.

Enjoy reading!!!!!


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