Zomerschoon, Beauty of Summer by Wendi Dass

Zomerschoon, Beauty of Summer by Wendi Dass is a beautiful contemporary romance set against the academic backdrop of Oxford. Anna Franklin comes from an Academia family that pressures her into following in their footsteps. Though she is a mathematician and cryptography genius, at 25, she is looking for some warmth and love. When her academic overseer falls into a coma after a stroke, she is left with Hendrik van der Aart, a Dutch Cryptographer, as her overseer. When their love for puzzles brings them together, they realise that there may be something between them to fight for. However, can Anna look past the academic rules that keep them apart and see the man with a strong moral compass, and can Hendrik accept that she is a genius and still want to be with her? If these were but the only struggles in their blooming relationship. Jealous roommates and difficult parents also influence the two lovebirds.


Wendi Dass has written a beautiful romance, perfectly capturing the atmosphere of Oxford and academics. In a world where people tend to write about billionaires and their love lives, a story that is so honest it could be a true story is refreshing and comforting. Having met my husband while he taught my Ancient Greek course, I could identify with the struggles and frustrations Anna and Hendrik faced. The themes of family and ambition are also treated with great care, although there are people who marry and have children purely for the sake of furthering their careers without thinking about the impact they have on their close family members is real. I recommend this book to anyone who likes a good romance without sex and nudity. These kinds of books are rare and a definite treat.



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