Must read: Emigh Cannaday's Annika Brisby Series

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Today's Post is not a review but a message of a MUST READ.  Emigh Cannaday is the author of the Annika Brisby series.  The fourth of which was released a couple of days ago.  The series follows Annika who gets lost in the Balkans and ends up falling in love with an Elf assassin.  Their lives are never the same again and they are driven by their passions. Throw in a sexy brother in law Vampires, and Druids and you have an intense adult Fantasy that makes you want to scream and then cry when the author delivers surprising twists and turns in the plot.  The first book The Flame and the Arrow and the whole series is available on Amazon.

I loved this so much that for me it only comes second to the Cursed Magic series of Casey O'Dell
Make sure you put this on your to be read list.


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