Reading has become as necessary as breathing.

So many books, so little Time!

I have been pondering on what to review next, there are so many books that should be mentioned and then I realized that I should probably start where my addiction started many years ago.

As a young girl, I already fancied fantasy stories above true stories or just fiction.  If you added something or someone magical I would love it.  So one day I was at the school library, looking for something to read, but with a little more to the bone than Mary Norton's Borrowers.

I remember seeing the back of a book that said, MORT byTerry Pratchett.  Well, I had Latin at school and always looked out for deeper meaning in words and titles.  Imagine my amazement that in my hand I held a new world where Death is a character with so many things that can make you chuckle.

I was so taken with Pratchett's writing that I ended up reading with a dictionary close at hand (as English is not my mother tongue) and I did not want to miss one phrase of humour.

Since then I have read all the Discworld novels as well as Good Omens written in collaboration with Neil Gaiman.  Not to mention Johnny and the Bomb and the Carpet people!

Pratchett has a way of creating a world that you can literally escape to where anything is possible.  The characters are unforgettable and you fall in love with them, from Rincewind to Greebo the Cat, and my favourite, the Wee Free Men.

 You might wonder what brought on this nostalgia for all the Discworld novels.  Well, I have started reading Dodger. When I start reading Pratchett something shifts in my mind and I start seeing things in the way only Pratchett can describe it and I end up giggling to myself.  I was reminded of the "ships" that the Wee Free men carry around and the Luggage that will attack anything threatening Rincewind.  

Sometimes I just have to share and start telling my family what I read, and they usually look at me as if I have lost my mind and the merely say "Mom, we have no idea what you are talking about..."

I would strongly recommend that you read ALL the Discworld novels, you can find so many well-known stories in them, for instance: Macbeth, The Phantom of the Opera and something akin to A Midsummernight's Dream.

It is a reading experience that I strongly advise.


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